WB2409 Prenatal Alcohol Exposure-Assess and Intervene Course
WB2356 The Benefits of Human Milk Feeding Across Gestations Course is organized by National Certification Corporation (NCC).
Expiration: 12/31/2024
Content Outline:
• Pregnant Women’s Acceptability of Prenatal Screening for Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Use (ATOD)
• Culturally Tailored Intervention to Reduce Risk of Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies in American Indian Communities
• Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
• Recognize that pregnant women’s perspectives and acceptance regarding prenatal alcohol exposure screening can be critical to risk assessment and potential interventions in the prevention of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs)
• Explain how the interventions being tested for effectiveness in the Native CHOICES study focused on a high-risk population of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) women can provide important information with potentially broader application to all women with risky alcohol use behaviors
• List the categories that comprise fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and identify the epidemiology, risk factors and etiology as currently known
• Summarize the diagnostic approaches for FASD from both maternal and child perspectives and describe the physical findings and clinical presentation is seen in newborns and young children along with treatment options and suggested parental training