CoatConnect Brand Assets Guidelines
Logo in format .svg
Logo in format .png
CoatConnect logo guidelines
To preserve the integrity of our identity, we want to ensure that both the CoatConnect mark and logotype are always recognizable and legible, and stand out against any competing design elements.
Logo Identity
Here is the primary logo lockup for CoatConnect. The primary logo lockup is recommended in cases where the logo will be scaled down to smaller sizes. As the scale relationship of this logo is fixed, do not adjust the relationship between the mark and the logotype.

Minimum Size
As the CoatConnect logo is scaled down to smaller sizes, the legibility of the logotype decreases. This lockup is recommended in cases where the logo will be scaled to smaller sizes.

Clear Space
Clear space is an area surrounding the logo that should always be free of text or graphics. This clear space applies to all executions including print, web, broadcast media, and promotional items. This clear space should be applied to all cases of the CoatConnect logo.

The CoatConnect gradient and colors
Logo with Solid Backgrounds
Clear space is an area surrounding the logo that should always be free of text or graphics. This clear space applies to all executions including print, web, broadcast media, and promotional items. This clear space should be applied to all cases of the CoatConnect logo.

Logo Misuse
The CoatConnect identity should always be reproduced from approved artwork. The examples at left illustrate unacceptable uses of our identity. Please do not compromise or manipulate the CoatConnect identity in any way.

Social Media Icons
The CoatConnect mark can be used as an icon or button across various digital platforms. CoatConnect icon can only be used in social media assets when it links to CoatConnect and our content.