12th Hamburg Vascular Day - digital / 12. Hamburger Gef tag - digital
Handelskammer Hamburg, Adolphspl. 1, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany. directions
hosted by Wikonect GmbH
hosted by Wikonect GmbH
4 Dec, 2020
10:00 PM-10:00 PM
Endocrinology & Metabolism and Diabetes, Vascular Medicine
12th Hamburg Vascular Day / 12. Hamburger Gefäßtag is organized by Wikonect GmbH and will be held on Dec 05, 2020 at Handelskammer Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
Description:This year, the event will be all about vascular inflammation, from rheumatological vascular diseases to vascular infections. There are now a number of new medicines and other scientific findings here. The patient's suffering is usually very high.
Another focus is antithrombotic therapy and reducing the generally high cardiovascular risk in vascular patients.
Main topics of the 12th Hamburg Vessel Day• Inflammatory vascular diseases• Reduce cardiovascular risk in vascular patients○ Inflammation of the small and medium-sized arteries• Diabetes and vascular inflammation• Thrombangiitis obliterans: how to differentiate from PAD and what to do• Lower leg arteriopathy in psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis: often overlooked○ Inflammation of the large arteries• Takayasu arteritis versus giant cell arteritis• Temporal arteritis: an independent clinical picture?• Standard therapy and the importance of new therapies in riscial cell arteritis• Interventional care for arteritis-related stenoses and occlusions: what needs to be considered• Special case of aortitis: prognosis and management○ Vascular infections:• Mycotic aneurysm and aortic fistulas• Differential diagnosis and drug therapy• Endovascular Therapy vs. open surgery• Modern management of bypass and graft infections○ Reduction of cardiovascular risk in vascular patients, anticoagulation• Lowering Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetics: COMPASS Diabetes Study• Reduction of cardiovascular risk after vascular surgery: VOYAGER study• Anticoagulation in tumor patients: CARAVAGGIO study
Additional details will be posted as soon as information is available.
1 Speaking
Sigrid Nikol
1 Attending
Mohammed Faris Khazhal
General practice