Mastering Adhesive Dentistry
Target for Interactive Education, 6th of October., Giza, Egypt.
hosted byTarget For Interactive Education
hosted byTarget For Interactive Education
29 Oct, 2020
31 Oct, 2020
08:00 AM-05:30 PM
no tickets
Mastering Adhesive Dentistry – Offline Course
Course Description
The course will includes Three modules:
- Anterior direct restoratives,
- Posterior direct restoratives,
- Field isolation using updated techniques and approaches based on Academic and clinical background.
Module 1 : Field Isolation in Restorative Dentistry
- Different techniques for restorative field isolation.
- The state of art of rubber dam isolation
- Full clinical guide for successful application of rubber dam in the anterior and posterior regions.
- Different rubber dam systems and what to choose.
- Different types and designs of rubber dam clamps and when to use what.
- Customized template technique
- Recent tips and tricks in field isolation and how to isolate different complex restorative cases.
- Different uses and applications of Teflon in field isolation
- Isolation of deeply seated cavities in the anterior and posterior regions.
- The hybrid isolation technique
- The use of silicones in field isolation
- Hands-on 1: Field isolation in the anterior area and the posterior area.
- Hands-on 2: Different applications of Teflon in field isolation
Module 2: Anterior Direct Restoratives
- Color parameters and how to mimic tooth optical properties using natural layering concept.
- Applying digital dentistry in daily case analysis for highly esthetic outcomes.
- How to select the right composite system to meet the practitioner and the patient needs.
- Solving the dilemma of shade selection and how to apply the custom shade concept.
- Trendy tips and tricks in cavity preps for all direct restorations starting from cl III to direct laminates.
- Contoured matrices in anteriors and how to customize matrices according the case.
- Types and shapes of instruments for direct anterior restoratives and when to use what.
- Resin composite layering from simplified to advanced with reproduction of all internal and external anatomy.
- Special effects and tinting in anterior restorations.
- Finishing and polishing: life-like contours, macro and micro texture.
- Portfolio of different clinical situations and their solutions
- Direct veneers.
- Hands-on 3: Direct cl IV restoration using silicone index and contoured matrices.
- Hands-on 4: Direct veneer.
- Hands-on 5: Finishing and polishing using subtraction technique on composite blocks ( Morphology Master Class).
Module 3: Posterior Direct Restoratives
- Different cavity designs for direct posterior restoratives.
- Importance of pre-wedging and protective matricing.
- The proximal profile concept and which matrices to select for posterior teeth.
- Different wedging protocol and when to use what; compressible, ultra-adaptive, Teflon or combination.
- Different bonding strategies and which protocol to follow based on the latest scientific background.
- Energy delivery to composites.
- Stamping life style.
- Imitation and bio-copy technique in class I restorations.
- Ring selection and Custom ring technique.
- Bond and bulk it concept.
- Bulk and final layer stratification concept.
- Different tinting protocols in posterior restoratives.
- Finishing and polishing and which protocol to follow.
- Deep Marginal elevation.
- Hands-on 6: cl II layering
- Hands-on 7: cl II bulk with final layer stratification
- ☕️Coffee break & 🍔lunch break are included.
- Extra fees for ADA certification
Speaker/ Dr Ahmed Tarek Farouk
- Restorative and esthetics specialist.
- Master degree in Restorative and esthetics dentistry, cairo university.
- Assistant lecturer at restorative dentistry department, MIU university.
- IADR, AACD member.
- Restorative instructor in many national and international courses.
- Former visiting lecturer at Dundee university.
- Restorative masters program in egypt.
- Visiting lecturer in many public and private universities.