Crown, Bridges & Veneers
١٦ شارع الإذاعي صلاح ذكي - مساكن شيراتون - مصر الجديدة, Cairo, Egypt.
hosted byElegant Dental Academy
hosted byElegant Dental Academy
17 Nov, 2020
5 Dec, 2020
08:00 AM-03:00 PM
no tickets
Course schedule:
Day 1:
Crown and bridge ( Part 1 )
- The way to proper diagnosis and case selection for fixed prosthodontics and making the optimum
treatment planning and design
- Bridge design.
- Special cases management.
- Anterior and posterior prep ( tips & tricks).
- Live demos and hand on practice on anterior and posterior prep .
(Metal-ceramics & all Ceramics)
- Vertical prep concept from prep to cementation.
Day 2:
Ceramics and laminate veneer
- - Recent ceramic classifications.
- -Construction based classification (esthetics vs strength).
- -Manufacturing and fabrication techniques.
- -Monolithic, layered, cutback and CAD ON restorations.
- -Clinical wise popular brands.
- -How to choose the correct ceramic material and techniques (biomimetic concept and ceramic
- clinical application).
- -Laminate veneer recent classifications, when and when not.
- -Prep and non-prep laminate veneer, how and when.
- -Different laminate veneer preps and specific case variations and management.
- Live demo and hand on practice.
- Rubber index fabrication and calibration.
- Different types of laminate veneer preparation.
- Temporaization & cementation.
Day 3:
Endocrown and Crown & Bridge ( Part 2 )
- When and why endocrown.
- Endocrown preparation with tips & tricks.
- Live demos and hand on ( endocrown prep) ( fixed prosthodontics workflow)
- Tissue retraction materials and techniques as ( retraction cord size , material and impregnation
- with single or double cord techniques )
- Different types of impression materials and techniques as ( condensation vs addition materials
- with one step vs two step techniques ) errors , tips and tricks
- Bite registration materials , techniques, errors , tips and tricks , face bow record ,and
- semi-adjustable articulator mounting
- Provisional restoration materials , techniques , errors , tips and tricks
- Proper Shade selection techniques , errors , tips and tricks and lab communication
- Lab work checking , try in verification and lab errors managing
- Final restoration checking and occlusion checking and adjustment
- Different types of Cementation materials and techniques (conventional vs adhesive resin
- cementation).
- Live demos and hand-on the different workflow steps
Day 4
(post & core)
- Restorability of endodontic treated teeth and decision making in posting and/ or crowning the
- Tooth (when to do and when not).
- Orientation of the present types and materials of post and core in the clinical store.
- Orientation of the varies techniques and steps of post and cores build up ( direct , indirect ,
- customization ) ( how and when )
- Simple selection protocol of the material , length and width of the prefabricated post and core
- Live demo on post preparation
- Live demo on different custom made post impression techniques.
Course Duration: 27&28 Nov - 4&5 Dec
Dr. Abd Elazeem Mostafa
- -Assistant lecturer fixed prosthodontics south valley university.
- -PhD researcher Minya university.