All about Dental Composite & Isolation
1- Rubber Dam Isolation:
* Weapons and ammunition
* Clinical tricks & problem solving
2- Cavity Engineering:
* Drilling phases
* Posterior cavity design guide lines
3- Adhesion Secrets:
* Adhesive systems
* Clinical tips and tricks
* How to select your system
4- Class II Mastering:
* Matrix system selection :
- wedges
- bands
- rings
* Steps of class II restoration
5- Final Layer Painting:
* how to biuld up your occlusal restoration
* guide lines of composite sculpting
6- Anterior Composite Management:
* Classes and Bevels
* Monochromatic vs. Polychromatic cases
* Shade selection and reproduction
* How to deal with simplified layering tecnique
* Reproduction of primary, secondary and tertiary anatomy
- Isolation techniques
- Class II cavity designing
- Centripetal restoration technique
- Occlusal cavity filling
- Secondary anatomy reproduction
- Class IV artistic layering
- Posterior and anterior finishing
- Posterior and anterior polishing
The course sponsored by:
* Dental Town:
- Polydentia Rings
- ENA HRi composite
- ENA polishing system
* Eram Dental:
- Tokuyama composite
Instructor/ Dr. Ahmad Alhakim
BDS, Al-Azhar University
Specializd in isolation and composite restorations
Dealed with dental magnification (loups & microscope) in daily routine work since February 2017
Participated as a speaker in many dental confrences, events and courses
The founder and owner of THE BIG BOSS COMPOSITE series
**Extra fees for ADA Certificate**