Adult Vaccine Recommendations Course is organized by - OnCourse Learning Corporation.

Vaccine-preventable diseases strike millions of adults annually. While most children and adolescents remain up to date on immunizations, adults often do not recognize the need for routine vaccination. This course addresses various vaccine formulations and indications. It provides resources for healthcare professionals to stay up to date on the yearly updates and recommendations published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It will address how to promote vaccination among patients, how to assess the appropriateness of vaccinations according to individual factors, and how to evaluate contraindications to vaccination.

Learning Objectives:
After taking this course, you should be able to:
• State a primary reason for the increasing rate of vaccine-preventable diseases.
• Describe two behavioral indicators for the hepatitis B vaccine.
• Discuss three actions healthcare professionals can take when advocating immunizations for adults.

1.3 Contact Hours

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