CalDerm - California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery
CalDerm, the California Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery, is a membership medical society comprised of Board Certified Dermatologists who practice primarily in the state of California. Established in 1972, CalDerm’s mission is to advocate freely chosen, unhampered relationships between trusting patients and compassionate physicians guided by their highest scientific, artistic, ethical and professional standards.
• CalDerm is the only organization that has exclusively protected scope of practice and business interests for California Dermatologists for the last 40 years.
• CalDerm is fully engaged in legislative and regulatory issues that impact Dermatology and the private practice of medicine.
• CalDerm ensures that Dermatology has a seat at the policy-making table in Sacramento and represents Dermatology before the California Medical Board and the Medicare Contractor Advisory Committee.
• CalDerm collaborates routinely with other medical and national Dermatology organizations to advance our profession.